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November 8, 2006

Election Roundup

As of right now, the Democrats have taken the House of Representatives, six governorships and are tied with the Republicans for the Senate.

MSNBC has a roundup of vote issues and irregularities. Issues ranged from illegally requiring photo ID, to poll workers not knowing how to turn the voting machines on. Fortunately, it looks like most counties with voting machines were able to use backup paper ballots to minimize wait times. Good job!

Speaking of the reliability of voting machines, Florida Secretary of State Sue Cobb is more optimistic than I:

History has shown that the machines are far more accurate than paper so we're quite confident in it. There is absolutely no reason to believe that there will be any security issues, any hacking going on.

07:41 | America , | Politics


Hopefully these machines are running .NET 2.0, as it is 2.7x more secure. 2.7!


Posted by: Shawn at November 8, 2006 3:32 PM

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