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August 12, 2002

Patience And Appreciation

Today my team took the four interns out to an Intern Appreciation Lunch, since two of us are leaving this Friday (I will be staying on until Aug 30). We went to a South-Western restaurant and were given the following parting gifts:

We also each got a good-bye card, signed by each member of the team. It's obvious which team members didn't know me very well by their generic signatures. Messages like "Best of Luck -Steve" and "Great Work! -Bob" tell me that Steve and Bob won't remember me 3 months after I leave. It's kinda like when you passed around your yearbook to everyone in the class, even to the kids you didn't know, and you'd get back signatures like "Have a great summer -Suzy". Sometimes I look back into my yearbook and wonder who the hell Suzy was.

Anyway, reading that card I found my boss' signature, and this is where things get exciting. He wrote: "Best of Luck! See you soon."

What does this mean? Did he mean "See you soon, like after graduation," or "See you soon, back at the office this afternoon." I guess I'll find out in a few weeks...

00:00 | Work

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