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August 5, 2002


Sunday I was up at the crack of dawn (actually 7:00 am) to go hike a trail on Mount Rainier, an active volcano in a national park of the same name. It a long, cold hike through snow and a barren rocky landscape. I loved it. We only hiked a couple miles (a far cry from the epic journey I took up Mount Fuji last year), but it made me realize just how out of shape I am (like I needed to be reminded). The weather sucked; it was foggy,raining, and at one point snowing. The fog was so thick we didn't get to actually see the mountain, but I got some good shots all the same (my current host only gave me 10 MB for this site, so I can't really post a lot of pics. Maybe when I get back home I'll get a real host. And a real URL. But that's another story).

I had a good time, and surprisingly, I'm not sore this morning.

00:00 | Seattle

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