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May 2, 2004

Still Alive

Yes, I'm still alive and now all moved in to my new apartment. I just got Internet access yesterday, hence my lack of posting. Also my computer didn't fare so well after the move, so I had to go buy a replacement power supply. While I was exploring the cavernous Fry's Electronics, I also picked up a new hard drive (250 GB!), sound card, headphones and some DVDs (I was overdue for an electronics store shopping-spree).

One of the DVDs I bought was Martin Scorcese's The Last Temptation of Christ. It's an extremely well-done file (with an excellent soundtrack). As the cashier was ringing up my purchases, she got all excited when she saw this DVD.

Cashier: "Oh! This movie is very popular!"
Me: "It is?!"
Cashier: "Yes, I didn't know it was on DVD already!"
Me: "I think you're confusing this movie with..."
Cashier: "I should go buy myself a copy!"
Me: "Are you thinking of The Passion of the Christ? Because this is a very different movie."
Cashier: "Oh yeah."

I'd really hate for her to buy this film thinking it was Mel Gibson's tribute to his faith, and instead buy a movie based on a book that was banned by the Vatican.

11:48 | Stuff

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